Authentic Self

Living in your own skin can be tough at times… not because it’s impossible being you, but because the world makes us feel that way. We see ourselves through the eyes of others rather than through our own. Our decisions about who we are, who we want to be, and who we ultimately become, can be influenced by those around us if we’re not careful.

Authenticity. To be authentic is to be genuine - it is to be yourself. To be authentic means to be you, in spite of what everyone else thinks you should be.

Being who we are truly meant to be is no easy thing, especially in a world that values what is fake, what is easy, what is quick, and what is on the surface.

- Sophia A. Nelson

To live an authentic life, means that you are now understanding or defining what makes you, you. During this pandemic, I have spent most of my time alone. Life seemed lonely in past moments, but I also had ample time to think about who the hell Jazmin is. The more time I spent alone, the more in tune I became with myself.

What did I stand for? What was Jazmin’s “Code?"

March 13, 2021
March 13, 2021
March 13, 20210
March 13, 20210

To have a life code is to have a contract with yourself that cannot be broken. Every person lives by a code that can either propel you into abundance or keep you down. Remaining loyal to your code becomes mandatory once you clearly define it. Realizing and honoring my code allowed me to begin being more comfortable in my own skin, living accordingly and authentically. Developing your code, and sticking by it may cost you people or things but remember that God always makes space when preparing your life for something new.

Advice for the next three months

Slow down, breathe, relax..

Look within when searching for answers to your life.

When you realize that we are only living on borrowed time, life becomes less confusing and living authentically becomes an instinct.

To my soul sister,

February 13, 2021
February 13, 2021
February 14, 2021
February 14, 2021

More than just a sister; you compliment my soul. A sisterhood birthed through authentic love, and loyalty. I never have to question it.

Thank you for being the breath to fill my lungs when I need it the most. To the nights where I thought depression would take over my mind, and you refused to allow me to manifest it.

Thank you.

Thank you for helping me realize my inner, most authentic self. Maturing into the woman I am destined to be with you in my corner, I see no limits.

I pray this type of authentic connection on everyone - it is truly one of a kind.

February 14, 2021
February 14, 2021
February 13, 2021
February 13, 2021

My best girl in my world, my muse, my sister - i owe you a whole lot. 


Stay true to you.

Until next time…


The Woman Code: 20 Powerful Keys to Unlock Your Life

Sophia A. Nelson


Hold On to Anger Long Enough, It’ll Tell You Its Real Name—Grief


The Sky is The Limit